Future Breeding Plans
Expected Offspring
Breeding Info
Ziti: het Motley, Anery; ph: sunkissed, hypo, amel Farfalla: het Motley, Anery; ph: sunkissed, hypo, amel Expected: Normal, Anery, Motley * possible: Amel, Hypo, Ghost, Coral Snow, Sunkissed, Snow
* motley could be expressed in any of the phenotypes; all of the offspring will have potential hets, none will be known, 66% het motley & anery
for 2008
Dragon: Sunkissed, ph: anery, motley, and ultra OR amel Farfalla: het Motley, Anery; ph: sunkissed, hypo, amel Expected: Normal, 100% het sunkissed, 25% het Anery, Motley; possible: Anery, Amel and/or Ultramel, Sunkissed, Snow, Motley;
* motley could be expressed in any of the phenotypes; all of the offspring will have potential hets for other traits
for 2009/2010
Dragon: Sunkissed, ph: anery, motley, and ultra OR amel Phantom: Anery het Amel Expected: Normal, 100% het anery & sunkissed, 25% het amel; possible: Anery, Amel and/or Ultramel, Snow
* all of the offspring will be 100% het Sunkissed and Anery, ph other traits
for 2009/2010
Tango: Classic, ph: unknown Farfalla: het Motley, Anery; ph: sunkissed, hypo, amel Expected: Normal, 25% het Anery and Motley; possible: Anery, Amel, Snow, unknown others;
* motley could be expressed in any of the phenotypes; all of the offspring will have potential hets for other traits
will do this breeding once Farfalla has been proven for her possible hets, or will use another multi het female
for 2009/2010
Pistol: Ultramel het caramel ph: motley ?: Ultramel het caramel ph: motley Expected: Ultra, Amel, Ultramel, Goldust; possible: Motley, Ultra Caramel, Caramel
* all of the offspring will be 100% het ultra/amel, 66% ph motley
for 2010/2011
Pistol: Ultramel het caramel ph: motley Phantom: Anery het Amel Expected: Ultramel, Amel, Normal; possible:
* all of the offspring will be 100% het ultra/amel and anery, 25% ph motley, 25% ph caramel
for 2010/2011
Dragon: Sunkissed, ph: anery, motley, and ultra OR amel ?: Ultramel het caramel ph: motley Expected: Normal, 100% het ultra/amel & sunkissed, 25% het caramel; possible: Ultramel, Amel, Motley, Snow, Ultra
* all of the offspring will be 100% het Sunkissed and ultra/amel, ph other traits
for 2010/2011
Pistol: Ultramel het Caramel ph Motley Jazz: Anery ph Caramel, unknown Expected: Normal, 100% het ultra/amel & anery, ph caramel; possible: Ultramel, Amel, Ultra, Caramel, Butter
for 2010/2011
Ziti: het Anery, Motley, ph Sunkissed, Amel Jazz: Anery ph Caramel, unknown Expected: Normals, Anery, 100% het anery, ph motley; possible: ?
for 2010/2011



Snakes Involved


Sunkissed Motley

Farfalla, Dragon, and Ziti

This is a relatively simple project and might if I'm lucky take only one generation to produce Sunkissed Motleys. 1st step is being taken this breeding season, to prove if Farfalla and Ziti are both het for Sunkissed, if they produce a Sunkissed there is a slim chance it could be sunkissed motley. 2nd step will be when Dragon comes of age, hopefully for breeding season '09, Farfalla and Dragon will be paired.

Anery Sunkissed

Farfalla, Phantom, Dragon, and Ziti

If a Ziti x Farfalla produces a Sunkissed it will be 66% het anery and will be used to cross to a Dragon x Phantom offspring (het Sunkissed & anery). This project will take at least 5 years using the 4 snakes listed. Should also be able to happen concurrently with Sunkissed Motley project

Ultramel Sunkissed

Farfalla, Phantom, Dragon, Ziti, and 2 ultramel's

This project can be long or short. If Dragon is het for amel or ultra it will simplify things. Breeding Dragon to Phantom will prove out 2 of his 3 possible hets and will be the first step.